Hanging it all out there for the taking. Getting rid of mostly trash, but an occasional diamond in the rough may you find.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Cyber Strangers...Sometimes they Creep Me Out

I like the idea of blogging. It keeps me "busy" at work and it lets me get stuff off my overinflated chest. (Yeah, now all you strangers know I'm stacked. Friends, you knew that anyway.) However, you cannot discern who reads and doesn't read your personal thoughts. You can apparently find out who is reading your thoughts, but beware. I don't think I'd want to know. Why is that? Well, frankly because there are a lot of creepos out there. I trust that there are more decent folks than creepos, but as someone who was recently contacted by some sleezoid who calls himself Masterbutter and prefers "friends" who have their pictures taken in some crappy appartment wearing underpants and Uggs laying on some dingy, used ass couch cushions, I'm a little put off by the unknown aspect of cyber communication. It also weirds me out that people put photos on their blogs, yet blur them so you cannot really see the image. Is it so horrifying? Is it about mystery? Or does your camera suck ass?

I'm an intuitive person and a sensitive person. I believe that you can learn a ton about a person just by shaking their hand, looking into their eyes and hearing the sound of their voice. People give off a million little hints to how they feel inside. It's a vibe thing. My instincts are really good and because of that it makes me feel somewhat in control of a situation, as you can tell immediately how a person may feel about you or you about them. For instance, I met a girl at a work party for my then boyfriend, now husband. Obviously, they all knew about me through him, but I'd yet to meet anyone. Most I met that night we're as friendly and cordial as I was being and I sensed nothing amiss. Then I met this wacko, and from the get go she had something to prove. Subconcious or concious a definite vibe was there. When we were introduced, her voice got louder, firmer and more direct. She looked me right in the eye, or rather, through the eye, piercing me with them. The most remarkable was the handshake. Goddamned if that bitch didn't try to break my hand. I believe in a firm handshake, but c'mon. What did I do? I squeezed right back. In retrospect, I wished I'd said "Ouch!", but instead I picked up her combative vibe and squeezed right back with a giant smile on my face. Classic passive aggressive response. Perfect for a party when you don't want to make a scene.

These are the beautiful moments in life that are missed in cyberspace communication. You can pick up tone and attitude in reading things. You can express your feelings through words, but you cannot ever experience the complex psychological and physiological actions and reactions experienced when meeting face to face. They sometimes speak so much louder than words.

I'll be the first to say that initial impressions do not always last. If you end up getting to know someone, you may find that your first impression was not an accurate picture of who the people all. However, the first impression is a launch point and a offers many clues on how you may want to interact with that person.

Maybe secrety I want to be an animal. Instict is all they have to go on. But we're animals of sorts and if "dogsth and beesth" sthmell feeeaaaar" and horses sense nervousness, then certainly we have like instincts. Maybe I just fear that with all this cyber communication we are getting out of touch of our basic instincts. Of course, if your basic instinct is to seduce and murder people with an ice pick, then perhaps it's best to continue on the cyber path.


Blogger mars said...

Yikes, what a dark and creepy post! Is it mere coincidence that I just yesterday put out a feeler on my blog to see what types read it, or is this posting inspired? I realize it could be a little of both, too, like maybe you'd wanted to talk about masterbutter a bit and then I reminded you that you did...

In any event, I completely remember you getting creeped out by someone at the work party like 4 years ago, but don't remember who it was. Praytell can you remind me?

My one and only lovah, ladies and gentlemen, the animal with an overinflated chest.

8:30 AM

Blogger K San said...

Well Mars, you are correct on both counts. Your post sparked some creepy feeling in me that led directly to the Masterbutter incident.

Oh and the agro hand squeezer Samara (sp?).

9:13 AM

Blogger K San said...

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9:36 AM

Blogger K San said...

Hey yourself from Chicago!

11:15 AM


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