Birthday Week
I highly recommend celebrating one's birthday all week long. Ever since I've been away from home, I've enjoyed cards and packages trickling in all week long. It though that it must be sort of what Hanukkah is like. Or not. I wouldn't know. Well, Mars and I took the ball and ran with this idea. We celebrate one another's birthday's for a whole week. The only requirement is that the birthday kid gets a little something everyday. It can be anything, purchased, made, a gesture, anything. It's simply a fun little acknowledgement to give and to get. Sometimes we've themed gifts. I did a Medieval theme one year and he did and Underpants theme (Underpants is my favorite word.)
So, I just had birthday week. It culminated in a World Series Game 2 White Sox victory. If that weren't enough, there's the annual three way birthday bash for my good friends Vanessa, Eric and myself. Our bdays are right in a row and we thought it'd be easier for everyone if we made them go out only one night. So, for the last three years Librapalooza has been a fun, crazy, hazy and suprising party that spawns several juicy and entertaining stories.
Birthday week also featured gorgeous items from our registry. Simple, but necessary items like silverware caddies and untensil holders. My favorite, our awesome shower curtain. Mars also got me an awesome card with my own personal Mars drawing. The Arrested Development Season One DVD's, a bouquet of roses, and my favorite, a very clean house.
Knowing that someone is or has thought of you and what you may want so carefully, and knowing that they go through all the trouble they do to make the birthday week special, is something that I relish in life. It also makes me feel guilty that I screwed both my parents out of gifts last year as the wedding put a crimp in my fundage. I love that we have this tradition and I love that the giver always gets as excited as the getter.
Thanks Mars for an awesome birthday week.
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