Hanging it all out there for the taking. Getting rid of mostly trash, but an occasional diamond in the rough may you find.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Not Just for Spacemen Anymore

So I’m walking to work from the train this morning when I was blinded by what appeared to be half woman, half foil wrapped baked potato. I’m aware that there is a certain metallic phase going on in the world of fashion. Typical metallic accessories include (but are not limited to) purses, sandals, and belts. You’d be hard pressed to find pants, shirts or jackets outside the Future exhibit at Epcott Center. And you certainly wouldn’t be able to find ties and vests unless at a show choir concert. What you can find in the west loop of Chicago, though, is a kicky little item that is half thingy which holds your glasses around your neck a la librarian, and half child’s size clip on tie. Oh, and yes, the tie part was as silver as they come. Pair that with a silver vest, silver dangly earrings, the ones that are just chains that hang straight down to your shoulders, (See Lita Ford.), a shiny black button up shirt, silver framed sunglasses, a HUGE silver purse and a silver belt. Those poor pleated black pants with tapered legs and cuffs were overwhelmed by the Jiffy Pop top half. I couldn’t even get to the shoes. I’ll just imagine that they were silver hi-tops with big, fat, sparkly silver laces.

Ground control to Major Tom, please be aware that some Latina woman in Chicago has made off with your space suit.


Blogger mars said...

Umm... I really just wanted to comment before Mego had the chance.

Mego, your thoughts?

8:11 AM

Blogger Mego said...

Beat me to it...

I have surfaced from reading The Bacchae for school (uh, yeah, gross), and I have to add that I was nearly blinded by the metallic (all Olympic shades--gold, silver AND bronze) glare emitting from the handbag area at Carson Pirie Scott today.

And I thought, Who let Patti LaBelle design for Nine West this season???

9:36 PM

Blogger K San said...

Agggghhhh, hah hah ahah, aha, hah, hah. Patti LaBelle, funny.

Speaking of Pattie LaBelle, I also see, from time to time this very imposing African American woman who's partial to the double mohawk. Kind of like what car wash brushes would look if you put two of them on top of your head and tilted them out.

5:04 PM

Blogger Vegas said...

does this mean that i can't wear the gold sparkly detailed hoody i recently bought in San Fran without being ridiculed?
cause it's soooo pretty...and sparkly....and gooooold.

12:51 PM

Blogger K San said...

As long as you don't wear it with sparkly gold pants, shoes, fedora and backpack. A little goes a long way is the lesson here. Want to see it!!!!!

2:31 PM


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